Vampire the masquerade bloodlines camarilla edition
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines camarilla edition

  • Enemy Mine: In the V5 storyline, the Camarilla is under serious pressure from the Second Inquisition, and the facts that the Brujah and Gangrel leadership have turned their backs on the organization in favor of the resurgent Anarchs and that the Tremere have splintered into several warring factions, leaving it desperate for any opportunity to consolidate their power in these trying times.
  • Crossing one is considered tantamount to suicide.

    vampire the masquerade bloodlines camarilla edition

    All are beings of immense personal power and influence, and they are the only Kindred who can actually walk into a Prince's city and start giving orders.

  • The Dreaded: The justicars, who are appointed by The Inner Council every 13 years (there are seven at any given time, one for each clan belonging to The Camarilla) and given virtually unlimited resources and authority when it comes to managing the sect, universally terrify all but the most powerful of Princes.
  • vampire the masquerade bloodlines camarilla edition

  • Decadent Court: And even that could be an understatement.
  • At this point, however, it is so far in the past that it would likely not matter to any vampire except Hardestadt himself and a few others due to the clan's massive ego. Save for a select few members of Clan Ventrue, being aware of this will likely get you killed. His childe, Hardestadt The Younger, impersonated him and took his place among the founders to prevent the whole thing from falling apart.
  • Dark Secret: Perhaps the biggest one in the entire organization is that Hardestadt The Elder was successfully diablerized by the Anarch Tyler in 1395.
  • Black-and-Grey Morality: They're vampires, sure, but they're not all bad.
  • They have dropped this attitude in the V5 timeline.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Despite being composed entirely of vampires and having irregular contact with mages, ghosts, fairies, mummies, and other otherworldly forces, the Camarilla refuse to believe in the Antediluvians as a matter of principle.
  • Anti-Hero: As the Guide to the Camarilla points out, the Camarilla aren't the "vampire good guys" in any sense of the word they're just the most stable and rational of the sects.
  • Interestingly, they refuse to believe the Ancient Conspiracy of the Antediluvians.

    vampire the masquerade bloodlines camarilla edition

  • Ancient Conspiracy: They've been running the world for a long time.
  • vampire the masquerade bloodlines camarilla edition

    Dedicated to ensuring that mortals never learn that vampires exist, the Camarilla enforces strict order upon the Kindred it claims as its members through rigorously-enforced traditions and rules as such, the Sabbat are their direct antithesis in almost every way - including their belief in the Antediluvians.

    Vampire the masquerade bloodlines camarilla edition